Tuesday 13 October 2015

Maude Clare & Round Tower at Jhansi

-Both poems are narrative; they tell a story.

  • Themes of conflict, love, power.                                        
                        NB: Love is an abstract noun- use a statement instead.

  • Protagonist.
  • Structure- both are moments of a narrative, a climatic narrative.
  • Both involve 'attacks'. In Maude Clare, the attack is emotional, where as the attack in Round Tower is literal.

Dialogue in Round Tower at Jhansi:
"Is the time come?" We can presume, it is the wife who said this because her husband, "Skene", is named which shows he has more power and he is also the one who is in possesion of the "pistol".
It is interrogative and shows her anxiousness and trust in her husband.
"The time is come!" As his wife questioned him, we can presume that Skene replies. It is a declarative statment with an exlcamatory tone to show his fear, concern and worry.

1st person narrative elements of the poems:

Maude Clare: The repition of "My lord" is in first person. The "lord" they are reffering to is Sir Thomas. This may mean that the narrator is a servent of his, or perhaps just someone with a lower status in society.

Round Tower at Jhansi: "Young, strong and so full of life" suggests it is a first person narrative as it has personal elemants and suggestions that makes the reader feel sympathy for the two characters.
"God forgive them this!" gives a first person suggestion also. It is an exclamatory tone to it and reflects Rossetti's strong Christian beliefs, as it was seen as a sin to commit suicide or kill someone, when not in war.

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