Monday 30 November 2015

Twice (Rossetti)

Final 3 Stanzas:
  • The narrator has 'her' heart broken by a character in the poem.
  • She then devotes her love to God instead.
  • There is a repition of "O my God", which replaces "Oh my Love"

The idea of rejection:
  • Reactions:
  • Isolation,
  • Lashing out,
  • Lose confidence,
  • Move on,
  • Turn to someone else for support,
  • Unmovitated,
  • Disheartened,
  • Self-judgement,
  • Trying to improve/better yourself.
Narrator/persona has experienced romantic rejection.

Twice has parralleism. The first line of the stanzas mirrors eachother. Eg. "I TOOK my heart in my hand", "You took my heart in my hand" and "I take my heart in my hand".

  •  Shut Out - The idea of the narrator being rejected.
  • Maude Clare - A form of romantic rejection but contrasts with the reaction to the romantic rejection.
  • No, Thank you, John. - Idea of male dominance and being in control of the relationship. Romantic rejection, but contrasts with the attitudes of the narrator.
  • Song (When I am dead my dearest) - Religious imagery/ideology, same tone of confiedence and inner strength.
  • Echo - Repitition and impossiblity of moving on. Contrasts because in Twice she turns to God.

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